Parent FAQs

Important Websites

Jackson Central Purchase a PTO membership and pay other school fees at our online store. New parents should click on “Login” to create an account.

WTJ’s Facebook Page

Principal McBride’s Facebook Page

Atlanta Public Schools - Infinite Campus (used to register your student, obtain grades, teacher assignments, and more)

*To find your child’s student number, call the Main Campus office at 404-802-8800.



To receive PTO communications, including weekly school newsletters, school event information and urgent e-blasts, register on this website. Please contact the database chair ( with any questions or concerns.



Security is a top priority. Entry doors are locked at all times, and visitors must request access by ringing the front doorbell. Every person must provide ID and check in through the computer system in the front office to get an ID badge. ID badges must be worn by all visitors throughout their time at WTJ. Staff also wear their ID badges throughout each school day. All staff and students practice safety drills monthly.


Visiting the School

If you are visiting the school, you must sign in with your photo ID through the computer system in the front office and obtain a visitor ID badge (as described above) to wear throughout your stay. Please sign out via the same computer system when leaving. If you are bringing your child in late to school or picking him/her up early, you must sign him/her in or out at the front desk computer system by the main office.


Health & Wellness

If you have a sick child, please call and inform the front office. It is also helpful to email your child’s teacher. If a child is absent for more than three days, please send in a written excuse to the teacher when he/she returns to school.



Your teacher will provide you with your child’s lunch schedule. Parents may eat lunch with their child at the designated parent/child table in the cafeteria; however, please do not bring food from an outside restaurant (Chick-fil-A, Willy’s, etc.). Sign in at the front office and meet your child in the cafeteria.

Kindergarten parents, please let your child settle into their new routine for the first few weeks. Then, you are welcome to join them for lunch anytime.

It is also helpful, but not necessary, to let the teacher know that you will be coming for lunch that day.